You’re Smart, Amazing, and You Still Need God

teen girls need God

We all like to think of ourselves in great ways. We love to hear people say good things about us. But, with all the things that people can say about you, none of it matters without having God. The thing that we’re missing is that we are smart and amazing. We’re being taught these things, but we’re being taught them without God. God is smart and amazing. Where do you think you get it from?

Nobody is greater than God

There is a sad situation happening in our world. We’re being set up for the biggest battle. It will be unlike the world has ever known. We’re no longer battling with just depression, anxiety, and fear. We’re starting to deal with consequences of our lack of relationship with God. This thing is real. You might enjoy listening to Chloe x Halle and watching movies that you think are cool. Do you wonder what these things are doing to your soul? “It’s just entertainment,” they say. Is it?

One of the biggest things that we’ve been taught is to be empowered. We can be powerful. We can do whatever we want. We are strong. We are courageous. We are bold. These are things we want to hear, but how true are they? Are they true at all? How can we know how powerful, brave, strong, or empowered we are until we step up to someone or something that’s doubly powerful – doubly courageous? Who’s telling us these lies? And why are we believing them?

We want to know that we are more than we think

One of the biggest lies is that we have all of this amazing power that, once we tap into it, we can soar. Soar where? To the top? The top of what? The world? There is no doubt that those “at the top” are jealous of you. They’ve reached the pinnacle of success only to find loneliness and emptiness, but they can’t admit that. If they do, then you won’t have something to strive for and you won’t look up to them. It’s all a game, and it’s time to stop being played.

You are more than a conqueror

A conqueror is someone or something that can beat anything. Yes, you are more than a conqueror, but it’s because God said it. He says that we’re more than conquerors but not on our own. We are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us (Romans 8:27). Ever think of a superhero movie. The person who needs saving rarely saves themselves, right? The hero is always there to save the day! This is a true testament of Christ. We are in need of a Superhero, who is Jesus, our Savior. The movies tell us this all of the time, but in those cases, our savior is man.

Satan did the same thing to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He deceived Eve by telling her she wouldn’t “surely die” (Genesis 3:4). (I wonder if she even knew what “die” meant. Just a thought.) The devil was banking on Eve’s ignorance and lied to her saying that God just didn’t want her know what He knew. He lies, and He’s lying to you if you think you can be and do amazing things without God. Just because you see someone else looking happy on IG or having a million followers on TikTok doesn’t mean their life is great. It just means they’ve influenced (convinced) people to follow them.

We don’t need an influencer, we need Jesus

Jesus is the best thing that could ever happen to any of us. Jesus is not someone that cult believers believe in. No, cult believers believe a lie and have died believing that lie. No man can save us, and you can save no one. Influencers guide the culture where the elite” wants people to go. But, what if where culture is taking you is to a place you’d never in your worst nightmares would want to go? Is it possible? Is it possible that you, being smart and amazing could be being led down a path where no one will save you? Saved people believe in Jesus because He is our superhero, and we know it. Through the Bible (yes, that ancient Book), He tells us about the things to come, and they are worse than any R-Rated movie you have ever seen.

Being amazing is great, but…

We need Jesus, that’s the bottom line. You don’t have have to take anyone’s word for it. Ask Him. Ask Him to show you who you are though the Bible. There are too many false gods, nowadays, to ask for a sign. This is why Jesus said He will not show us a sign (Matthew 12:39). He knows the world from beginning to end, and He knows the state of the world that we’re in, right now. Why won’t He do something about it? He has. He put instructions in His Book – the Bible. Read it, and you’ll have all the help and encouragement you need.

Thanks for reading!

Love ya!

About Paint

Welcome to paint4teens, a safe place for teen girls like you to get to know Jesus and who He created you to be. You’re never too young to do what God says you can do, and that’s why we’re here, to help you do what it’s in your heart. This world needs you, and we’re here to support you with encouraging articles and mentorship. Whatever you need, just ask. We’re glad you came and hope you stay!

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