Woah. I didn’t realize where God was going with this post until I wrote the title. I was thinking of the foods we eat. God had another plan.
So, Class, today’s topic is Gender. Yes, Girl, let’s talk about it. Who are you? What are your pronouns? Do you think there are more than two genders, that someone can be born a girl but really be a boy? Before you answer, don’t think about what you’ve been taught.
Listen y’all, we can dye our hair, that doesn’t mean the color of our roots change. We can put on fake lashes, that doesn’t mean our lashes will grow longer. We can hide behind our makeup, that doesn’t mean the faces that God has given us aren’t beneath the man-made ones we give them. The same goes for gender. If you were born a girl and want to be a boy, surgery doesn’t make you a boy. You’re a girl who had surgery to have male body parts. You’re a girl, still. The same goes for boys who have surgeries to be girls. We haven’t given our bodies enough credit. The body will not fully agree with you, unless you are using it the way it was meant to be used. Many people won’t tell you this because of the plan against the hearts of minds of every human being on Earth, especially teens and young adults. But, not here.
This reminds me of Esther. Esther is in the Bible – the Old Testament. She was one of many beautiful women chosen to be presented before the king of Persia, who was looking for a new Queen. Esther didn’t seem to feel the need to impress the king. She had a King, already. During the process, the king assigned beauty treatments to all of the women as part of a purification process consisting of treatments, including perfumes and oils for an entire year. Esther didn’t make any special requests, like the other women. The king took notice, and after twelve months, chose Esther to be his queen. She won the heart of the King. She was humble. There was no purification that could make her any more humble than she already was. Esther was a young woman who won the heart of her King.
Where’s Your Strength
In the Bible, David calls himself “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalms 139:14) David wasn’t saying that he made himself fearfully and wonderfully. He was talking about the God who created Him. God fearfully and wonderfully made him. David’s not the only one who was created by God. You, too, are fearfully and wonderfully made because the same Creator who made David, made you.
As a little girl, I just happened to see who I thought was a woman until a friend said to me, “You know that’s a man. He had a sex change.” Can you say, “Confused”? I didn’t know him/her, personally (I just realized that’s how they’ve come up with the pronouns). I just knew it was something I couldn’t understand. You may have been taught that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. It’s science, but Science can teach us anything and be wrong. How can you prove that what they’re saying is true when they sound so…smart?
In the nineties, the decision was made to close mental institutions and send the patients into society without much guidance and help. I remember because I lived near one and encountered some who were moved into a nearby neighborhood. Why am I telling you this? Because there has been a mental breakdown in America that started decades ago.
You’re too smart to believe this
We all know that America isn’t perfect, and our country has gotten so many things wrong in its quest to be the greatest. We were considered the strongest nation on the planet. America may have looked perfect from the outside, but, on the inside, we were far from perfect. Perfect anything that comes from man can only last so long. Many countries wanted what America had. Many people came here to get the things that only America could offer – jobs, homes, and family values. These things are important to have but the America, today, is proof-positive that these things don’t last.
Only God lasts.
There were many changes that happened in America that displeased some, including integration. However, integration is a violation against a person’s skin color, something a person cannot change. Gender is something that should not be changed. America’s views changed, not only with gay rights but also denouncing its strengths, which were based upon “the nuclear family,” meaning grandparents, parents, and children. It’s how new generations are born. It’s how you and I were born.
God created people who don’t feel they were born the right sex. They were born the right sex. This fight to be something other than the sex you were born is a spiritual fight, and it will never be won without knowing that. I used to wonder “How can a perfect God make mistakes?” He can’t. It’s one of a few things He can’t do. Another one that’s impossible for God to do is lie.
Not long ago, when a child was born, the doctor would say, “It’s a boy!” or “It’s a girl!”. I don’t know what they say, now. “It’s whatever you want it to be!”
People are hurting and feel lost because of the torment they feel over being “in the wrong body”. It’s real, but it’s spiritual. Satan and his minions have no mercy. When we don’t know God, we don’t realize when we’re in a spiritual battle and that only Jesus is the only one can help us – this is a BIG part of what following Christ is about.
A Celebrity Endorsement Doesn’t Make It Right, Either
I learned about advertising in sixth grade. One of the schemes (ahem, I mean ways) of marketing is through celebrity endorsement. Companies know that if they can get a celebrity to endorse their product, most of that celebrity’s fans will buy the company’s product. Well, just because they endorse something doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Money talks and makes many people rich from saying things they don’t believe in or understand.
Dwayne Wade and his wife, Gabrielle, are two examples of celebrity endorsements that come with the power of influence and the sacrifice of fame. Dwayne’s son is being “transgendered” and now dresses like a girl. He’s twelve. Kids go through phases. I was called a “tomboy” by my brothers. I did pull-ups in our backyard. I played with boys and was punched in my funny bones by my brother who was an amateur boxer. I had same-girl attraction when I was about ten and then again at twenty-eight; that doesn’t mean I was gay. I could have acted on that attraction in my twenties but had a vision showing me what a disaster it would have been for the other person. So, I said, “No.” It was a hard to say no because I was really beginning to feel for this girl, but I didn’t want to jeopardize the harm it would cause her and her family. Eventually, I pulled myself away from that relationship for many years. Now, we’re both married with kids.
Good for you
Not everyone’s story is my story. However, this narrative that a boy can be a girl and a girl can be a boy is just untrue. If you allow yourself to think about it, you can know for yourself. Think about it. Better yet, pray about it. Why would God make a girl and then give her all of the wrong feelings about being a girl? Why would He give her the wrong body parts, if she was meant to be boy? God’s not incompetent. That’s confusion, and God doesn’t confuse us. He loves us too much. God knows what He’s doing. He knows how He made you and hasn’t forgotten it.
What if there’s more to this than what we see
Spiritual warfare is real. Sexual identity is strong, spiritual warfare – a fight that we cannot see. Many people are losing this battle because they don’t know how to fight. The elites want all of us to be so far removed from God that we look to them for answers. Nah. Not. Nope. God already told us that this fight isn’t agains other people but against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Galatians 6:12) No man can replace what God has spoken. He can try, but he won’t win. The creator will never overrun the Creator. God says, “In the beginning, God created them male and female.” (Genesis 1) Not transgender. Not binary. Not whatever I want to be called because I feel it.
I’m not just saying to pray away the feelings of identity confusion. You can’t do it alone. You need God to help you understand who you are and how you’re supposed to live your life. Society has become hyper-sexual but not everything is about sex. We all need God to help us. Some of us need His help to be free from anger. Some of us need to be set free from porn. Others have to stop wanting what others have. These are all sins, but we don’t know it if we don’t learn about Christ and who we are to Him. Identity confusion isn’t a sin. Sex outside of marriage between a husband and a wife that were born that way is a sin. Man is trying to say otherwise. Maybe you can fool humans, but you can’t fool God or the human body.