
teen girls self-esteem

You Don’t Have Time for Low Self-Esteem

Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.” (Romans 12:3 Easy to Read Version)

God will replace your low self-esteem with His love and His will. He will give you a new way to view yourself which stands up against anything anyone else tells you. Tell Him why you feel the way you feel about yourself. In other words, what happened.

Many times, we struggle with insecurity, doubt, self-loathing, hate, fear, and shame. We hate ourselves, others, and our own experiences because of low self-esteem. It becomes difficult to think or do things with any hope of a better future. Life can feel like it’s over before it begins, but that’s the job of low self-esteem. 

Low self-esteem is meant to keep you down. It lies to you telling you you’re incapable, lacking in some area – none of which is true. You only believe the “not enough” lie because you may not have heard enough true and good things about yourself from others. When you hear a lot of bad things about yourself, or at least think them, you could begin to believe them. Once you believe them, it’s hard for others to convince you otherwise. Just because you believe them doesn’t mean you can’t stop believing them – that’s part of the hope!

God doesn’t want us to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. (Romans 12:3) So, we’re supposed to think highly of ourselves!…but not too highly.

Low self-esteem when you want to do something amazing

“You’re not good enough”

But who says you’re not good enough? Jesus would never tell you that. He’d just lead you in another direction if that’s not what He’s calling you to do.

“You’re not smart enough”

Not smart enough for whom? Another person? Well, guess what that person’s not smart in everything, either, so the same could be said about them. 

“You’re not pretty enough” bombards our everyday feeds through ads, entertainment, and random people, everyday. 

Not everyone is physically pretty, and that’s okay! Your looks isn’t a good reason to let anyone stop you from living your life. If God says you can do it, then you can do it. Ask Him to help you to love who and how He created you to be, and He will.

No one has time to waste while feeling sorry for themselves

It may sound harsh, but it’s true, and in case you didn’t know truth hurts. I’m not saying this to be mean. I’m writing to myself and to those of you who feel sorry for yourselves and you feel stuck. Ask God to help you, right away. It’s the only way you’ll get unstuck and onto the path He has for you.

Believe you can do it

Conceive. Believe. Achieve. There’s no way you can do what God is calling you to do without believing. You have to believe in Him and His Son, Jesus, and in yourself. Believe Him, first, and He’ll help you believe in yourself.

Have faith in Jesus

While on earth, though, Jesus taught us how to have faith in Him. He told us that He is the only begotten Son in what is possibly the most famous scripture in the Bible, John 3:16. But, what does it mean to have faith? When He says He’ll never leave us nor forsake us,” (Deuteronomy 31:6) He means it. Remember, as we always remind you, He is a promise keeper.

One last way to feel better about ourselves is to help and encourage others. Do you have a friend that needs someone to listen or a family member going through a difficult time? Send them quick text. Call them and let them express. Or send them a card in the mail. God’s Word is a guarantee. So, I guarantee that, not only they’ll feel better you’ll feel better, too.

“…let each esteem [each] other better than ourselves” (Philippians 2:3)

Listen, all of us have struggles, but they don’t have to become our lives. Some hide theirs better than others. Some address theirs earlier than others. No matter what nor when, God is always there, available to us when we’re going through something.

Low self-esteem is not something we have to go through alone. We can tell our Father in Heaven that we have it and that we want Him to take it out of us and replace with His love. Jesus will help, gladly! He may not do it that moment, day, month, or year, but know that when you ask what’s according to His will, He has to answer. And what bigger hope can you have that Lord will take away the pain you’ve been carrying all by yourself.

I love you! Thanks for reading!