What is the Fruit of the Spirit?

Do you like fruit? Most of us love to eat fruit, Did you know that fruit – not meat, rice, potatoes, pasta, not even veggies, but fruit – is the most important food we can eat? Fruit is so good for us! Eating it cleanses our bodies, clears our minds, and help us to be healthy!

What do you eat for lunch at school? Pizza? Fries? Burgers? Salad? Fruit?! It might sound like an ad here, but fruit really is one of the best and easiest ways to cleanse our bodies of toxins and bad bacteria. When we eat processed foods, our bodies have a hard time digesting them. They fill us with bad chemicals. Even if we don’t know it, those foods make us malnourished. We are eating foods that aren’t helping, but are hurting, us.

That’s the fruit of the body, so what is the fruit of the spirit? The fruit of the spirit cleanses our souls. Your soul needs to be cleansed. All of ours do! God gave us His Word to help us live and have confidence in Him. There’s no better way to live! When we eat God’s spiritual Fruit, our souls flourish. We’re nourished as we eat food that helps us and doesn’t hurt us.

Plus, the fruit of the (Holy) Spirit frees us from guilt, shame, fear, loneliness, sadness, depression, and other bad feelings.

God created the Bible for you, too!

There are many things trying to get your attention. Why? You’re important! Texting, TV shows, movies, music, sports, video games, the Internet – so many things want your time. If it weren’t for you, most of these things wouldn’t even exist, but they’re not here to make your life better. They’re here to distract you. From who or what? Media wants to distract you from knowing that you are a beautiful girl who’s been created by the most powerful, beautiful, and loving Person, ever. You’ve been created by God, the Father. You’re a daughter of the Highest King!

How are you a daughter of a King?

First, you won’t know this with your eyes because you can’t see Him. Yet, you were created by Him. He wanted you here on Earth for this time – not to spend it scrolling on Social Media but for the assignment(s) He’s given you. He wants you to choose Him and to be a part of His Kingdom. Every Disney movie for girls stars a Princess. Why? Disney knows who you really are and they’re speaking to that part of you – that part that desires princess-y things. We would all love to have a loving, powerful King as our Daddy who has riches and fame. This is who your Father in Heaven is – your spiritual and forever Dad! He wants you to know Him.

But, I have a Dad, already

Now, this is where trust comes into play. We all have a dad who helped bring us into this world. Our Earthly dads, however, have limitations. Some abandoned us. Others are great dads but have at least one thing that we can complain about. Our Heavenly Father is without limitations. He’s perfect.

He can make Himself visible to us, but He wants us to trust that He is real. We’re not making this up because we’re afraid to think on our own. Many Christians are extremely smart and have decided to live for the One who is Smartest – the One Who gave us our smarts. Are your parents smart? Where did they get their smartness from – your grandparents? Even so, where did they get their intellect from? You can trace your family’s intelligence all the way to the One who created everything – His Name is God – Elohim (El-oh-heem). He’s smarter than anybody and everything. He can be everywhere at the same time. He’s not afraid of anything. He’s not clueless. He’s patient and kind. He has an open heart for us to choose Him above everything – that’s our Heavenly Daddy! (Some get offended at the Name “Daddy” because God is the Holy Father. He’s also a Person who knows that we are His children. When a child calls their father, what do most say?)

God gave us the Bible to help and strengthen us in every way. We don’t need another book to teach us how to live life. The Bible is the Book of Life. It’s not the Book of Mormon nor the Watchtower. These Books are not the same as the Bible – they’re made by man who claimed they had encounters with God. Not true! It’s not a top ten list on life skills or “How to Be’s”. The Bible tells us who Jesus is and teaches how to live a life in Him and like Him. The Bible gives us wisdom, knowledge, and strength that no man can take away.

The Fruit of the Spirit is Strength

Love, Peace, Joy, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Meekness, and Self-Control are the Fruit of the Spirit.

(Galatians 5:22-24)

To anyone who doesn’t know God, these things don’t seem like strengths. The Fruit can seem cool to have if a person wants them, but they’re not considered things that will get anyone far in life. It may seem that way, however, these nine spiritual characteristics are stronger than the meanest, most aggressive person in the whole world. Have you heard the story of David and Goliath. One was strong in body but weak in spirit. The other was weak in body but strong in spirit. Which one was which? David, the boy, fought agains the giant, Goliath. David was stronger than Goliath. How is that? David knew His Daddy and fought based on that. Goliath tried to fight David in his own strength and lost.

You can read about David and Goliath in the Book of 1 Samuel, Chapter 17 – or learn more about them, here.

That’s the importance of the Good fruit!

We don’t have to convince you. We can’t convince you. It’s a decision you have to make on your own. As we always say, it’s a decision you’ll never regret!

Thanks for reading!

I love you!

Yvette Curtis-Brown

About Paint

Welcome to paint4teens, a safe place for teen girls like you to get to know Jesus and who He created you to be. You’re never too young to do what God says you can do, and that’s why we’re here, to help you do what it’s in your heart. This world needs you, and we’re here to support you with encouraging articles and mentorship. Whatever you need, just ask. We’re glad you came and hope you stay!

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