You like TikTok. I get it. You like IG. I get it. But, outside of screen time and school, how do you spend your day? Do you get to know your friends and your family? Or are they on their phones, too? What do you like to do outside of TikTok and other social media platforms. Who are you?
This is a question many aren’t asking you. They don’t care to know who you are. They don’t want to know what you think. They only want to know if you agree with them. If you don’t, then you’re cast into a depth of forgetfulness or until they see you the next time. When they do see you, they remember you’re the one who believes this or that. You’re labeled before people even get to know you. Do you understand that? Can you see that happening in the world and people around you. No one cares to know anyone, and that is not how we were designed.
I have another question. Are you happy? Do you know anyone who’s happy? Maybe someone you know just got married. They seem happy, right. What is happiness to you? It’s different for almost everyone. It’s something that we feel when we’re doing something we really like or desire. Social Media is one place that makes a lot of people feel happy. Watching other people’s “best lives” makes us feel happy until we look are our own. But, somehow, even when our lives are great, when we’re done scrolling, our lives seem not so good, anymore. Social Media validates our desire to be happy all of the time, which is not even reasonable.
The devil (who is real) wants to make you think the life you’re living hasn’t been the life you should be living. A picture-perfect life full of collages, selfies, and vacays is what seems to be the way, but it isn’t. You’re living a life that someone else says you should live and you may not know it. It’s called “programming.” Programming is intended to get someone or something to do what someone else wants it to do without question. It changes the way we think and makes us believe that what someone else thinks is truer than our own thinking. It’s giving our mind over to someone else’s wants for us. And you’ve been programmed. Ever heard of TV Programming?
You’ve been programmed to believe that you can’t live without your phone, music, cable, sports, or anything that puts focus on everything but the reason why you were born. You’ve been programmed to believe that the best way to do math is with arrays. You’ve been taught that there’s nothing more outside of what everyone else is doing. I’ve been programmed, too. I lea]rned things that weren’t true while in school. I learned things from TV, movies, and radio that weren’t true. But guess what. God took me out of the matrix, and now I don’t have a desire to do what any of those things tell me to do. I can get caught up in IG, yes, but not often. If I scroll a bit, it’s no longer an hour or two. I scroll for a few minutes and get off. When I post, I post and leave. Feeling bad about my life because someone isn’t willing to show the honesty of theirs is not my goal, anymore. My goal is knowing Jesus and because of that, I get to know who I really am. I don’t need a matrix to tell me that, and you don’t either. This isn’t programming, this is truth, something many don’t know, but you do, now.
Talk soon!