Tell Me You’re Offended Without Telling Me You’re Offended

Offended girl

I hated blogs, to be honest. I mean, they don’t seem like something I would want to do, but God had a different plan. It seemed like I had much more going for me than to write a blog to people who may or may not care less about my life.

However, I’ve recently discovered a personal reason for me to start blogging. It’s good for me to express the things on my heart without needing to journal. I haven’t had a need to write out my feelings to anyone but God, until now. I’ve been going through so much that I couldn’t take keeping it in, anymore. I HAD TO GET IT OUT and I knew that blogging was the only way to do it.

This post is my way of me telling you I’m offended without telling you I’m offended.

Of course, I have to go deeper as I lean on God about why I feel this way. Right now, things are not going my way. I don’t feel like I can get a prayer through to God. I’m having trouble getting what I want from God. And this is the offense! (Ta-da!)

Do you feel like you want God to do things in your life but haven’t heard from Him? Do you refuse to believe in God because He hasn’t shown or given you any reason to believe? Did you used to believe but now you don’t because of other people’s actions and choices when it came to religion?

I don’t know what happened to you, but I know that what’s happened to me has taken me a while to stop feeling sorry for myself and believe that Jesus is for me and actually died for me! How do I know that Jesus feels the same way about me as He does everyone? That was a dilemma, for me. Why would I be the one left out of the Book? Do you feel like you’re the one left out of the Book? None of us are left out of the Book. We’re all in it, whether we want to be, or not. So, instead of me believing that I’m not in the Book, let me ask the Lord to help me to believe that I am.

I couldn’t believe that I was a part of the Bible because of how others treated me. I thought God thought like us. Let me get this out of the way, He doesn’t. He’s God, for goodness sake, and His thoughts are good, always, even when man’s are not good! So, if He (who is Good) created us, even though we may have been hurt by man, wouldn’t that mean He created us for good reason and that it’s just that man (whether on purpose, or not) tried to mess us up?

This journey that each of us is on belongs to no one else, so no one can help us like God. People will talk about you while you’re going through. Offense. You will get mad at yourself. Offense. You will hate others, including yourself. Offense. But, the great thing is that none of these offenses have to remain. We can actually be set free from offense by knowing that God is the One we can trust and will take away all of our offenses. He won’t even tell anyone about them. He’ll take them on and leave us set free from anything or anyone. Actually, He already took them away – on the cross 2,000 years ago.

We can let go of being offended. I’m actually glad that I’m in the situation I’m in, right now, because it’s helping me to know that I can give my offenses to Jesus, and He will heal what needs to be healed in me so that I can go on with life and not worry about defending myself. Offenses will do that to you, and you’ll be defensive about everything. How exhausting is that? Let’s let God be our defender. He will squash the nay sayers’ words and build us up with His. It’s time to stop our offense with God’s defense. We can stop crying “Foul!”. If you know anything about sports, you know exactly what that means. If you don’t, it just means when people try to offend us, we don’t have to do anything. Just live and be, and we have to read His Word and get closer to Him so that we know who fights our battles. It’s not us. Jesus won our battle on the cross.

“Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord” (Romans 12:19)

I hate not knowing that, but that’s because I’m offended. I’m offended that He didn’t save me from sexual abuse and verbal abuse, unnecessary meanness. How do I get past the things that people can see happening in my life, right now, as a result of what happened to me? Do God. Do what He says when He says it. We don’t have to expose ourselves to the criticism and gossip of others. All we have to do is listen to God. When we listen to Him, we are victorious over things that we can’t even see! So, start listening, knowing that there’s someone who knows more and can help you, like the best therapist who’s also a best friend.

He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

I know this is the route to take. I tried to avoid sharing with Him and just found myself around a barrage of people with opinions and gossip. God isn’t like that. It’s time to trust Him. Do what He says and watch the offenses fall away. Amen!

Enjoy your day (night)!

With Love!

Yvette Curtis-Brown

About Paint

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