Do you know that your body is a temple? It’s precious and sacred. It’s not meant for everyone to see it. You’re not meant to be twerking on TikTok. You’re meant to be living a life that is rewarding and full of peace and joy. Social Media is noise. You can’t hear or learn anything when everyone is praising you for doing the wrong thing.
God created marriage. Simple. Since God created marriage, He gets to set the rules. Some of us hate rules. I used to be one of them until I realized the importance of following God’s rules. I wouldn’t break too many rules, but I hated following them. When He created Adam and Eve, He gave them two rules: be fruitful and multiply.
Basically, God told them to have many children and make more of themselves.
The Bible is clear on pre-marital sex
Honestly, I’ve had premarital sex! And I was heartbroken each time the relationship ended. I don’t think that anyone ever told me that God didn’t want me to have sex outside of marriage. I knew that my mother didn’t want me having it, but she had such disdain for boys (probably because she KNEW they may have wanted was sex) that it went right over my head!
God considers sex outside of marriage to be a sin (The Bible calls it fornication). When we do have sex with someone other than our husbands, it’s best to stop and ask Jesus for forgiveness. We are meant to wait to share our very special first moment with our husbands and theirs with us.
Some would say that we’re telling you what to do with your body. That’s not the truth. We’re teaching you how to take control of your body with the power to say “no”. You have that right. The world is teaching that it’s okay to say “yes” to sex outside of marriage. It’s easy to do. However, we are teaching you what the Bible says. Our goal is to protect you from guys who want to have sex with you and who will tell you anything to get it.
You’re Worth it!
Boys. They can be cute. Sometimes. They can also be annoying and a little pushy when it comes to intimate things. For the most part, though, boys can grow up to be amazing men. But, let’s start where you are – at the boy level (we hope!).
Boys will be boys, and, honestly, teen boys are producing a lot of testosterone as they’re developing into men. If they don’t know how to control themselves (and most don’t), they’ll do the easiest thing – have sex. So, what does that mean for you? A lot of peer pressure.
Breakups hurt
Breakups are hard enough. Add sex to the equation, and it can feel unbearable, at times. Knowing that you’ve given your all to someone who has moved on and now shares those intimate times with someone else is heartbreaking.
You are enough. Sex outside of marriage won’t give you more of anything but pain.
Don’t buckle under the pressure to be liked, to be called “pretty”, to feel good, loved, popular, or to become someone’s girlfriend. In case you need to hear it:
You are valuable! Beautiful! Loved!
Some boys like using esteem-boosting tactics to get what they want from girls. Once they’re done with one girl, though, they move onto another, which can lead to teen pregnancy, the further spread of STDs and much unexpected heartache for many teen girls. We know that some girls feel like they “need” to have sex, but that need is for something far greater – Jesus!
To their defense, most boys are not taught to wait until marriage and that their transition into manhood is not defined by how many girls they have sex with; they’ve been deceived into thinking that, but it’s not true at all.
It’s my body
According to Jesus, your body is a living sacrifice, which means it’s not yours to use any way you want. It is to be denied of things that are sinful, including sex before marriage. Read Romans 12:1.
Check out 5 Good Reasons to Wait to Have Sex!
Thanks for reading!