Judgment Has Come to America

America is under judgment

No matter what popular opinion says, Jesus does not like people of the same sex having sex before marriage. He doesn’t like it. Marriage is sacred to Christ.

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’”? (Matthew 19:4)

Jesus is talking, specifically about marriage, here.

The American Government has been playing around with this truth for a long time. It’s a fact that God didn’t intend for boys to change to girls and vice versa. Inside, they’re still the boy or the girl they were created to be. You can fool yourself or others, but you cannot fool God. This is an abomination to God. Abomination means something that brings disgust. Now, I know you’ve been taught that letting people be who they are and living their truth is a kind thing to do. You may have been told that people’s feelings matter over most things, but this is not how God sees it. And He’s the only One who matters.

God created each of us with a specific plan, in mind. However, we get to choose whether we want to follow God’s plans or our own. Some families, some countries, have never followed God’s plans – not the God of Heaven and Earth’s plan, anyway. God is the enemy to many people because they’ve been raised in families who believe in other gods when those others gods have no power nor authority. They haven’t shown that they’re all-powerful, all-knowing, will reign forever gods. None of their gods died for our sins. We would have to work for our salvation if we served other gods, because those gods would be us and how we feel.

But, that’s not the only reason why judgment has come. Judgment has come because we promote things that go against God’s Law. You see, we have our laws and God has His, and it’s best to line up our laws with God’s Laws in order to have the best lives that we can on this planet, but we don’t. Instead, we choose our own laws to keep us doing what we want.

If our desire is to find someone to follow, we will find someone because we’re meant to worship and praise something. Instead of us choosing God because He knows best, we choose man because we can see the person and we like what we see. Do you know this is the sole purpose of celebrities? They have the life and things that many desire to have – fame, popularity, money. Stars only have those things because those who represent them know that there’s a thing called the lust of the eye. This lust causes us to want things that aren’t even important.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

So, what Laws of God have we broken?

Thou shalt not have any other gods before me. America’s god is money. God even told me I have a love of money. I’ve never felt anything like I did that night when He told me, and I felt the fear of God. God’s Word is true and He expects us to live by it. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil…” It’s not hard to see that many Americans love money. In the same verse, the Bible says that those who love money will be pierced through with many sorrows. I’ve felt that before, and it’s an endlessly agonizing feeling. It is scary.

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain. Just using God’s Name casually is something that’s done, everyday. God’s Name should be used in prayer, praise, worship, and evangelism. That’s it! He’s not your friend if your not His, and we know when someone isn’t obeying His Word because they use His Name for pointless conversation and even like a cuss word.

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. The Sabbath is on Saturday. You don’t have to be Seventh-Day Adventist (which I’m not) to believe that we should still honor the Sabbath. Nobody changed the Sabbath to Sunday – nobody except man.

Thou shalt not kill. Kill means to murder, and in God’s eyes, if we have anger in our heart towards another person, we’ve already committed murder against them. So, along with all of the senseless killings and the aborted babies who have experienced unimaginable pain at the expense of their mom getting to live her life, most of this country is full of murderers because of what we have in our heart. Why? We’re not taught to forgive the way God teaches us in His Word.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor. We hear rumors about people all of the time, especially celebrities. Even if the information has some truth in it, we shouldn’t be sharing it because people get information wrong all the time. It’s not always intentional, but it happens, and now we’re spreading the gossip with false information. God holds us accountable for these things.

Thou shalt not commit adultery. It’s everywhere. We don’t need to say much about this, but one thing is important. Jesus says that if a man lusts after a woman in his heart, he’s already committed adultery – just by looking at a female and wanting her, sexually. Females are not excused, either. We have eyes, too! Plus, how many women want to be admired by men, even in a nice-looking outfit? Many women want men to find them attractive, and this is a cycle that grieves God’s heart.

We’ve done countless sins against God. Simply because we don’t want to choose Him, our country is overrun with sin. Who would rather do what they want rather than what someone else is telling them to do? Raise your hand lol. Having to follow the Commands of God is hard when you want your way and don’t know that you’re a soldier in Heaven’s Kingdom. Then, you can see a piece of Heaven on Earth.

God says none of us will escape His judgment

God’s judgment is nothing to play with. The spirit world is nothing to play with, and God created it all. Yes, God is love, but He also calls Himself the “Great and Terrible.” When a parent is tired of their child not listening, do they speak to them softly or do they raise their voice and give a stiff punishment?

There’s so much more to cover on this topic. You can find information throughout the blog by searching the topic “sin”.

Thanks for reading!


Yvette Curtis-Brown

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