You’re a teenager – a teenaged girl. Do you ever think about that? Who are you? What are teen girls?Do you ever think about what you like to do as a teen girl? You don’t think about it, do you? Why Because it comes naturally. The world has put out so many new “identities’. People don’t know who’s who nowadays?
Let me put it to you plainly: You are a girl! A teen girl.
We’ve been so wrapped up in identity – transgender, transexual, and too many other identities to name that we are allowing teens and younger to be brought up in a society where identity doesn’t matter. You’re just a number, a future worker on their assembly line doing God knows what, a body unable to reproduce. This is who you’re becoming if you believe the lies and don’t WAKE up and see who God says you are. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are a teen girl who has a God-given future that’s brighter than you can imagine. Now, we’re not talking cars, houses, jobs, we’re talking about serving Him in a world that’s growing darker and darker.
You’re one of a kind. God only made one of you, and your identity isn’t in who you date, how many followers you have, or how cute you look today. Your true identity is in Him. Periodt. Point blank. If you don’t know who you are, then now is the time to learn. He made you. So, HE knows what you were designed for, no one else knows. Not even you. He’s the only who can say this is “Your name here. I made her to do this on Earth for My Kingdom.”
“Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:9)
What does that mean? It means that anything you do for God’s Kingdom will be done in the Earth like it is in Heaven. You’re actually building up the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus talks about the streets paved with gold, but that’s just a glimpse of Heaven. It’s a livable place where we’ll live forever, and He wants us to do our work here as it already is in Heavenly places.
Your identity isn’t in hormone reducers or transmitters. It’s not in doctors who say you can be whatever you want, as they get paid by the Pharmaceutical industry. No, your identity is in a God that you can trust and who loves you. He knows you better than you. All you have to do is ask Him why you’re here, and He will tell you over time or even in an instant. Either way, know your answer is coming.
The Bible gives us the true sense of who we are as God’s creation. When we read it, we learn about His spirit and the importance of having a true relationship with Him. He’s the only One who can save you and you’ll want that – believe me.
I love you!