Daddy issues cause girls and women to act out in ways that are inappropriate for them. Look at most female entertainers. there’s no doubt they have daddy issues. When we have dad issues, we don’t see anything wrong with our poor actions because we were never given a standard of how men and women should behave. So, we follow our own path or the paths of others, both leading to a potential life of pain and regret.
Some dads are careless with the hearts of their daughters, not wanting to be bothered. Dealing with the heart takes work, and either they haven’t been taught how to love or they’ve been hurt by someone. Being a dad is a big responsibility that a lot of men don’t understand or appreciate.
Instead of building up boys to be Godly husbands and fathers, the girls are built up to desire being strong and independent, yet socially and emotionally needy.
We love our dads, whether they love us or not. We need them. It’s how we’re wired. For some of us, it’s hard to admit that our dads matter to us more than any other males in our lives. If we don’t have the relationship we need with our dad, it affects our whole life. This isn’t to scare you if your dad isn’t around or doesn’t give you what you need. There’s actual hope!
You are worthy of love.
Let’s scream it from the mountaintop:
You have an ever-present Father who loves you more than anyone you could ever know! His Name is Jesus and, if you haven’t done it already, He’s waiting for you to put your hand in His.
The world has left a void of emotions for girls to try to fulfill, and that’s unfair.
Let God be your Father
I think it’s so interesting that God’s Word has an answer for every lie the world has to offer. Right now, the focus is on identity. Jesus tells us our identity should be in Him. And why wouldn’t it be? After all, He’s our Creator. When you choose God, you become His daughter. In Hebrew, daughter means “apple of the eye”. So, if you’re God’s daughter, then you’re the apple of His eye. Have you ever seen your reflection in someone else’s eyes? That person is beholding you. They see you and you, only, and that reflection of yourself in someone else’s eye is called the apple. God sees you. You were chosen before you were born.
He knew who would be your parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends.
It’s taken a minute to learn myself as His Daughter (I’m still getting there and thank Him for His patience!).
I’m understanding that authority is put over us (females) for good reason and any man who mismanages his authority over us will have to answer to our Father, who didn’t cause bad things to happen to us. He wouldn’t do that.
Jesus can heal your broken heart
Jesus is a good father. He loves us. He hurts with us. He cares, but He’s not worried about the bad things that’s happened to us because He’s God. He knows who did what and how to get back the people who’ve harmed us, As His daughters, He’s responsible for us, and He’s happy about that. Those bad things happened to us because of sin. He made the rules, but He doesn’t change the rules. People make their own choices. He knows He has the power, authority, and love to use what’s happened to you and me for the good of ourselves and others. We won’t be disappointed.
If God allowed something to happen, it’s not because He hated us or got his rocks off from our suffering. It’s because He has a plan to bless us and. if they don’t repent, to repay those who hurt us. He tells us not to take revenge out on anyone for anything. “Vengeance is mine. I will repay,” He says. God’s repayment is greater than any temporary relief we could get from hurting someone who hurt us because then we’ll have to answer to Him, too. He is our repayment system. He is our fortress and protector, no one else. He uses things that we’ve gone through to help others and to strengthen us in ways that we make us grateful, forever. I wrote a note, today.
Jesus is the way.
We don’t have to find our own way. Jesus made the way to love, hope, and faith; and that’s through Him. When you don’t want something, don’t grumble. Pray. I no longer desire to control my daughters having daddy issues. I’m praying for each of them. We will have hurt in our lives. It’s when we know that all things work together for the good of them who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose that you know He won’t let you down (Romans 8:28). I love the Lord, so I’m expecting all things (which includes my children) to come together for not only my good but for their good, too. Put your faith and trust in Him. He’ll take care of your heart. He can’t hurt you. He’s not built like that. Trust God to heal and keep you from painful relationships. He knows how to do it, but you have to listen to His instructions. Otherwise, you’ll end up hurting for no reason.
He is the creator of all and the Father of those who choose to be adopted by Him. He wants to adopt us all, no matter what evil we’ve done. But, it our choice. It’s a very freeing thing if you think about it. You should think about it.