Are You Who God Created You to Be?

Who does God say I am?

Whether you believe in God, or not, this is an important question. It’s important because God exists whether you believe in Him, or not. And who He’s created you to be is the best gift you’ll receive in your life, e-ver!

You were born special

Don’t get it twisted, the world is full of confusion and madness, right now. You may not notice or realize it because of your age. You’ve been born into this “new age”, which I can tell you is a whole lie. Long before you were born, God had a plan for you. He planned for you to read this, right now, even. He gave me the ability to write to you long before you were born. He has everything about your life planned out. The question is: Are you ready to be who God created you to be?

There’s nothing better than doing what God says you can do. It’s where you get your power, joy, and love. I’m not talking about the god (little “g”) of this world – Satan. He’s false. The devil can promise you money, fame, and wealth, with a give you sense of power that is fake. I’m talking about the God of Heaven and Earth, who knew you before the foundation of the world. You are God’s creation, and He has an amazing plan for your life. Can you believe that?

I don’t have to know your name to know that you’re special. If you’re still reading this, you know it to be true for yourself. You, my girl, are special and you know it. This world is lying to you, telling you that you should only go this one way, the way everyone else is going. No, that’s not true. You can go the other way, and it’s the way that your gifts and talents will shine above all who are going the same way. I can’t tell you what God wants you to do, unless He tells me, but I can tell you that God is the joyful way! He’s the way. He’s the truth. And He’s the life.

God is that Life!

Do you feel like you want more, but Social Media seems to be telling you that your more is over here, doing what everyone else is doing? Do you know you can break free from that? YOU CAN! You can do something so radically different that people never saw coming! It doesn’t cost you anything to know this about yourself. You don’t have to take a class, buy a Masterclass, or sell your body in pictures in order to get your needs met. Your needs are met in Christ, whether you’re an Atheist, or not. You’re still created by God, and He has the best plan for your life.

So, how do we get to this life?

Why can’t we have what we want? Whey do we have to wan what God wants us to have? Even if we know we’re not just human beings, but spiritual, we don’t understand how much more our spiritual selves understand about this life than we do. We enjoy life. We watch movies we want to watch, sing songs we want to sing, and do all types of things we want to do. Who knows us better than us! There’s a spiritual part to this life that we will miss if we don’t wake up. God knows that about us. We don’t until we do. Our souls are only truly awakened by Jesus!

Sometimes, it’s hard to imagine that all it takes is a commitment to God to have more than what we think or others have said about us. We’re scared that if we say Yes to Him, we’re really saying yes to some cult. We see ourselves and others, daily. We don’t see Jesus, and if He’s real, then why are you going through what you’re going through? Great question. What you want is your life to change. I get it. You can only get a life change when you acknowledge that you need a change in your life. You wouldn’t go to a police officer who can help if you’re in danger and ask for a mocha latte. You wouldn’t go to the fire station, if someone’s’ house isn’t on fire. and tell them you want a to order a sandwich, would you? No. You have to go to the right person for the right things. And I’m telling you that God is your right thing.

Jesus says

I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me. (John 14:6)

He will change your life in an instant, even if you don’t see all of the changes, right away. When you tell God that you want the life He created for you, that’s all you have to say to get Him to send the things and people your way to help you see you for yourself. This you that you will see means that you are getting ready to pursue and live out the purpose why God created you, and believe me, God created you for a purpose even if you never believed in Him before. There’s no prerequisite with Jesus. He created you, so you’re already qualified.

Are you ready?

Ask Jesus, today, to help you know Him. He will not only help you know Him. God will help you know you! And that will be your biggest blessing, knowing that Jesus was on your side this whole time. You won’t have to live with the stress of keeping up with a world that’s changing daily. You will know that God is not only real but you are under His umbrella of protection, which means that whatever you were created to do will be done in Jesus’ Name!

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can you, except you abide in me. (John 15:4)

Thanks for reading!

With Love!

Yvette Curtis-Brown

About Paint

Welcome to paint4teens, a safe place for teen girls like you to get to know Jesus and who He created you to be. You’re never too young to do what God says you can do, and that’s why we’re here, to help you do what it’s in your heart. This world needs you, and we’re here to support you with encouraging articles and mentorship. Whatever you need, just ask. We’re glad you came and hope you stay!

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