America Is Being Thugged Out… On Purpose!

Jesus is in control

As a teen, you may not watch the news, but there are some things going on that you need to know about. You’re not too young. The news isn’t only for adults, even though I don’t watch it. What’s happening in the world is a part of the world that you’re living in, and it’s important to be aware of what they’re trying to keep from you.

One Important Note: None of these things are a surprise.

America used to be fun. It used to feel safe. People used to speak to one another. The news was always bad, but now it’s really bad – programming people’s minds to think the worst of everyone and to choose the side it wants everyone on, which is total destruction of this country. That might sound scary, but there is help that the news won’t talk about. Your parents may not even talk or know about it, We’re telling you because we know Who wants to help you.

Don’t be fooled by what you see

For more than two years, people from other countries have been flooding the border in TX. This isn’t about Mexico. Most of the people are men – not families, not women. They’re coming from all over and being given housing when there are homeless people, who are already here and in desperate need of a place to live. Why is that? There s a plan that you need to know about. This concerns your life and the choices you’ll need to make.

America has been set up for doom since the 1930s when the idea of a Republic like ours (which we call a Democracy) was considered a problem and leaders wanted to end it. Since then, there’s been a slow and steady plan to take over America. It was unclear, at first. It began with certain news stories and kids learning certain ideals in school – very subtle, subtle enough that people, including parents wouldn’t catch onto what was happening. Those parents are now grandparents and great-grandparents.

Now, things are obvious – very obvious, but you might be distracted by Celebrities and Influencers who get paid to distract you. The more potential they have to distract, the bigger they become. You have Social Media and computer animated everything. You have talks of robots and aliens – all distractions. You don’t know what life was really like before you were born, so you’ve been indoctrinated to accept what is happening, now. It may not have seemed like it, but it’s true. All of us have been caught in the web, but they come for you because you have great influence, especially on your parents.

Our society likes to characterize teens as relevant and cool while adults are out of touch. No, that’s a narrative. It’s not the truth. We were teens, once. We haven’t forgotten about life as a teenager. Yes, you’re amazing, but you can’t run the world, yet. You’re still learning and growing, as you should be. America would have each of us thirst to be cool and popular. Adults aren’t uncool because we don’t know the latest trends, right away. We’re uncool because we can school you on what’s really going on.

What’s really happening?

The ones leading this movement know that teens are prone to rebel, so you’ve been convinced that parents don’t know what they’re talking about. It’s the perfect setup. Just think of your parents asking you for help with their phones. Do you know that those trends can kill your soul, if you let them? They’re here one day and gone the next. One day, trends will be gone – completely GONE! Then, what will we have left? Force. You will be forced to follow the lead of someone who has no interest in you, as an individual. Just like with cell phone brands, you only have certain choices. One day, you may be forced to follow the narrative they want you to follow. Obviously, this isn’t good. It’s not God, either.

Thugs have entered into the country. These aren’t ones you might think about who live in the hood or in D.C. These are other-country thugs who have no problem destroying what they hate. They’ve been welcomed into the country through the border. They’ve been allowed into America because of greed – love of money. Look up stories on refugees coming to America. That’s why they did a second Coming 2 America movie. Believe it, or not, it’s all hidden in plain sight.

But, There is A good thing!

We’re not a blog about conspiracies. We’re about Jesus (Yeshua) who loves you. God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for you. Why? He loves you that much. You can escape the evil of this world. This isn’t a cult. We’re not lying to you. We want you to know that Jesus is the Savior. He is the Superhero! Why do you think we’ve been distracted by so many superhero movies. It’s because there is a real superhero that Hollywood doesn’t want to talk about. They want us to have a hero of our imaginations and not focus on or believe in the One who can save us all, even the villains. The superheroes they make don’t ask us to change anything about ourselves. We can continue to live life the way we want and be saved when we’re in trouble. That’s not real life, obviously.

Jesus loves you. He can and will save you if you call out to Him for help. No, you can’t see Him, but you can’t see your thoughts, either. Are they real? Are your emotions real? These things are given to us by Jesus, the One who loves you more than anything. And even if you can’t see or hear Him, He can see and hear you! It’s time to find out if what we’re saying is true. Open up your Bible, look online, or download a Bible app. Look up John 3:16. There are many translations of the Bible. There’s only one version but different translations for those who want to find a Bible that’s easiest for them to read. They even have teen Bibles!

Did you look up John 3:16? What does it say? I’m not going to tell you, right now. Search for it, and you’ll find it. When you do, you’ll see what God did for all of us. Yes, He’s a Spirit. He’s also a real parent with real emotions. This is the Superhero that our world tries to drown out because He’ll not only save you, today, but forever. He’s THAT God.

Choose Him, today!

Thanks for reading!


Yvette Curtis-Brown

About Paint

Welcome to paint4teens, a safe place for teen girls like you to get to know Jesus and who He created you to be. You’re never too young to do what God says you can do, and that’s why we’re here, to help you do what it’s in your heart. This world needs you, and we’re here to support you with encouraging articles and mentorship. Whatever you need, just ask. We’re glad you came and hope you stay!

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